In this lesson

Overview of training session

Training Session

"A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls" is an evidence-based program designed to reduce fear of falling and the risk of falls among older adults.

It consists of 8 structured group sessions supervised by certified facilitators and centres on enhancing strength, flexibility, and balance as well as increasing confidence in carrying out daily tasks. By implementing safe mobility skills, modifying one's surroundings, and adding exercise to one's daily routine, participants can lower their chance of falling.

What is taught?

The eight courses of the AMOB training program are offered remotely or in person. Every session lasts for two hours. Here is a quick summary of the many subjects covered in these classes.

.Session 1:  Introduction to Program

The group is introduced to the concept of helpful and unhelpful beliefs about falls and concerns about falling.

Session 2: Exploring Thoughts and Concerns about Falling

This session helps in recognizing our core beliefs about falls before we are able to change them.

Session 3:Exercise and Fall Prevention 

In this session, we talk about the importance of exercise in preventing falls. We also learn the Matter of Balance Exercise that are best suited for fall prevention.

Session 4: Assertiveness and Fall Prevention

During this session we will learn exercises that can be used to prevent falls due to low blood pressure, leg weakness, and poor flexibility/balance. This session will also help in recognizing the relationship between assertive behaviour and fall prevention.

Session 5: Managing Concerns about Falling

The participants learn how to use Personal Action Planners to start an exercise program. They also learn about individualized exercise program. This session will also help recognize misconception and unhelpful thoughts about falling and shift from self-defeating to self-motivating thoughts

Session 6: Recognizing Fall-ty Behavior

In this session, we will talk about activities that are and are not fall risk-taking behaviours and identify thoughts that help to change behaviour. 

Session 7: Recognizing Fall Hazards in the Home and Community 

The participants would have completed the Home Safety Checklist. This session will help recognize potential fall hazards often present in the home and community and strategies to reduce such hazards.

Session 8: Practicing No Fall-ty Habits & Fall Prevention: Putting It All Together 

By the end of this session the participants will be able locate and use resources for fall prevention. They will also learn how to seek help after a fall.

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.